Especially for men who often sacrifice their health and peace of mind to deal with workplace pressure or relationships. 

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I hear you thinking...

“There’s got to be more, I’m made for more, but for some reason I feel like I’m stuck and my life is being wasted.

It’s making me grumpy, and I know I’m not fun to be around right now, it’s just that I feel like I’m carrying the weight of everything on my shoulders alone and I can’t see a way out.”

The problem is the way you deal with things isn’t working now and you feel more vulnerable, anxious and depressed than ever.

You can’t afford to take a holiday right now because you HAVE to fix things first before you can possibly relax.

And because you have no safety net and people are depending on you it means you can’t QUIT and waiting for things to get better is robbing you of any feeling of control.

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The weight on your shoulders is holding you down and leaving you with a lack of decision-making confidence and energy.

You don’t even know what you want anymore, your health is taking a big hit, and you’re feeling stranded like a broken-down Ute on a lonely bush road with no reception.

But Imagine instead...

You are driving down the highway with a sense of purpose, a full tank, and a working GPS

on the scenic route to everything you ever wanted. 

Your relationships make you happy, you’re proud of being you and enjoy what you do so much you’re actually having fun.

All the things that used to anger and frustrate you are disappearing fast in the rear view mirror.

Steve Hall - Route to Everything Image

It's Time To Change The Game...INTRODUCING

The Gamechanger Program

Get a winning mindset and the strategy to make it work in every situation.

  • An 8-week Confidence, Clarity and Direction-finding program that flicks your 'On' switch to full on.

  • A winning mindset that drives you towards what you want, not being held back waiting.

  • Playing to win, not just being defensive and trying not to lose.

  • A detailed map that takes you there. 

  • The flow to effortlessly follow your path forwards to the future you want.

  • How to avoid the wrong answers and ask the right questions to move ahead … 

  • An empowered mind and new self-serving beliefs about who you are and what you deserve.

  • A toolkit with powerful Obstacle smashing techniques and strategies to clear your path and power your journey...

Think of this program as the brand-new super charged vehicle you’ll drive towards that dream destination fast.       

It comes complete with the only GPS in the entire universe that knows where you want to go, because you are that GPS, no one else should tell you where that place is, I just help you find out the name of that place and its co-ordinates.

What's Included

  • Weekly LIVE coaching Calls.

  • My signature Game Changer Method Workbooks, Toolkits and Journals.

  • Private FB Community.

  • 1-1 Sessions to personally break down the boulders blocking you in no matter what they are and take the weight off your shoulders to give your energy back.

Steve Hall - Testimonial image

“I’ve now got a tool belt with a whole new range of tools I understand and know how to use, and this program has shown me what’s really important in my life when in the past I hadn’t really known or even wanted to” 

The Gamechanger Program


WEEK 1: Standards, Attitude and commitment

  • The Power of Intentions.

  • How to make the right decision every time.

  • Get your new Winning Attitude.

WEEK 2: The Power of Quality Q’s and Finding the Gaps

  • The Game Changer method, going deeper… Examining the multi-Levels and sub domains.

  • The questions that will change your life.

WEEK 3: The Story your life tells 

  • Whatever’s in the Way… Is the Way - The biggest area of growth lies in what we avoid or don’t know.

WEEK 4: The Value of Values and a Values driven Vision

  • How Values determine our Destiny and create flow.

WEEK 5: Vision and Mission

  • Determining our Grand Vision and Mission statements.

WEEK 6: Perspectives, The Drama Triangle and the TRUST ME model 

  • How Responsibility & Commitment deliver Freedom and Flow.

  • How to communicate in ways that build relationships.

WEEK 7: Reverse Engineering & Counter Intuitive

  • The 3 best obstacles to smash through first. 

  • How to fit in what’s most important.

WEEK 8: Self-Sabotage and how to use it to your advantage

  • Where to from here?

Transforming Lives

Life changing testimonials from clients who participated in the program

Introducing Allan

He was burning out fast in a teaching career that had turned into an ordeal, yet he felt too invested in to leave.

What Allan really wanted was to work in a supportive environment where he enjoyed making a difference and so after working with me in less than 8 weeks ...

Allan chose to transition careers completely and became an award-winning tradesperson in his first 6 months.

Steve Hall - Alan's Testimonial Image

"This program allowed me to really create a vision for what I want to achieve and where I want to be and how I want to live my life and the most important thing was discovering I’ve already got all the tools and it aligns with everything that’s really important to me.”

Introducing Michael

His wife heard me speak on the radio one night and thought working with me could be what Michael had been searching for.

Working in logistics where he felt taken for granted and unsupported and had no joy in his life.

Soon after completing The Game Changer program Michael was inspired to transition careers completely and has really come to life where his accumulated skills are being appreciated and utilised working at a famous Gin Distillery. He works closer to home allowing him to connect at deeper more meaningful level with his family. 

Steve Hall - Michael's Testimonial Image

“I’ve now got a tool belt with a whole new range of tools I understand and know how to use, and this program has shown me what’s really important in my life when in the past I hadn’t really known or even wanted to” 

Introducing Barry

Working on a tractor he heard me speaking on the radio one weekend.

Barry was working lengthy hours on other people’s farms and running his own at the same time whilst struggling to care for his ageing father, step brother and his own family.

Barry tracked me down after knocking on the local radio stations door to find out who I was and after only 2 phone calls with me Barry transitioned his career too and is now using his skills in a local manufacturing industry where he is the supervisor leading and inspiring a team of young men . He has also begun a local meet up group to help other men in his area discover what they really want. 

Steve Hall - Barry's Testimonial Image

“Thank you so much, you changed my life”

It's time to change the game

Get A Winning Mindset And Use It Powerfully!

Without re-mortgaging your house

Without wasting years on expensive degrees

Join other people wanting to be switched on without joining a group hug cult

I am so confident this program is the Game Changer you need that I’m willing to give you all your money back.

Take a week to experience the program, the trainings, and a coaching session and if you’re not completely satisfied this is the right fit for you, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked!

*Disclaimer: The Gamechanger Program can support your own mental health journey and ease Anxiety, Depression caused by relationships & career but should never replace medical advice.

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